Children's Ministry


Sunday - 9:45 AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM prayer & Praise

Our Mission


      We exist to train children, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to:

 Love God — Matthew 22:37

 Love others — Matthew 22:391 Corinthians 13:4-7

 Love self — Matthew 22:39John 1:12

…in order to be a witness of God’s grace and love to the world and to win them for Christ, all for the glory of God (Matthew 28:19-201 Corinthians 10:31).


Children are a blessing from the Lord. At ECBC, we understand that we have the privilege to teach children about God, His love, and the great gift of salvation.  Sunday mornings are a special time where we teach children about God and the Bible in a fun, energetic way that helps make faith come alive in their hearts. Whether your children are infants or finishing up elementary school, Worship Kid Style partners with you to “train your children in the way they should go.” 


Sunday Mornings at Enon

Sunday School:  From birth through fifth grade, classes are provided each Sunday from 9:45 – 10:45 in the Paul S. Odum Children’s Building.

Our Sunday Morning Worship KidStyle At 11:00


 A ministry that cares for the needs of children (birth through two years) during our 11:00 Morning Worship Celebration. We know that leaving a young child can be overwhelming. This ministry is staffed by loving, well-trained volunteers who have submitted to a background check.                     

Worship Toddler Style 2 & 3 year-old Class

Toddlers embark on a Bible-based spiritual journey through stories, hands-on activities, games, and play.  

Worship Preschool Style 4 & 5 year-old Class

Preschoolers take off on a Bible-based spiritual adventure with a multimedia-based curriculum designed to keep them actively engaged through hands-on activities, videos, games, and music. Deliver by loving, well trained leaders to help lay a strong foundation in Christ. 

Worship kidstyle 1st-5th Grade

The kidStyle experience is a fun multimedia-based program. The teaching reaches kids with innovative messages and interactive lessons and games. Kidstyle leaders deliver strong bible teaching, encourage Bible memory challenges, and facilitate small group activities to help children foster strong personal relationship with Jesus.

 Wednesday Night Activities

Nursery for children birth - 2 years old

            Wednesday nights are filled with laughter, snacks, and lots of Jesus. 

Upcoming Events

Follow us on Facebook at Enon Kids (

 for all of our latest information and upcoming events.

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