Drive-Thru Food Distribution


Sunday - 9:45 AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM prayer & Praise

Partnering with Onslow Community Outreach to Box and distribute food to anyone in need of assistance

Enon Chapel has the fantastic opportunity to partner with Onslow Community Outreach on the last Saturday of every month to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Are you considering getting involved? Here's what you need to know.

This is a "Come One, Come All" service opportunity. There is no need to sign up—Show Up!

Drive-thru food distribution is on the last Saturday of every month.

Arrival time is 8:15 a.m. Please take a minute to have a donut, a few minutes of fellowship, and a moment of prayer. 

8:30 am, begin to load 100 boxes with food. Lots of hands make the workload light. 

10:00 am: begin to greet people and load food into cars. 

It's as easy as that!